用 chatgpt 学习英语 2/n


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改进表达 English-only


我想用英语表达“从今天开始我尝试使用全英文的工作环境”,帮我看看我的行文用词和语法有没有什么问题,给出建议和指导,以下是我的表达:From now on, I’ll try use pure English work enviorment.

From now on, I will strive to work in an English-only environment.

  • 改进建议:

    • 使用 “strive to” 表示你会不断努力去实现这个目标,更加准确。
    • 将 “pure English” 改为 “English-only”,更符合表达习惯。
    • 将 “enviorment” 改为 “environment”,拼写错误。
  • 修正后的表达:

From now on, I will strive to work in an English-only environment.

改成 try my best 会不会好点

  • If you want to emphasize your commitment and effort, you can say:

From now on, I will try my best to work in an English-only environment.

  • 这里表示你会尽力去实现这个目标,更加强调你的努力和决心。

From now on, I will try my best to work in an English-only environment. and From now on, I will strive to work in an English-only environment. which is better

  • Both sentences convey a similar meaning and level of commitment. It’s really a matter of personal preference. However, if I have to choose, “From now on, I will try my best to work in an English-only environment” sounds slightly more natural and commonly used in everyday conversations.
  • 两个句子的意思和承诺程度差不多。选择哪个取决于个人偏好。但如果非要选择的话,”From now on, I will try my best to work in an English-only environment”(从现在开始,我会尽力在一个纯英语环境中工作)听起来稍微更自然一些,更常用于日常对话中。



  • v.努力,力争;斗争,反抗


  • strive for 努力争取,力求
  • strive to do sth 努力做某事
  • strive against 与…斗争
  • strive with 与…争论


  • I will strive to be the best in my field.
  • 我会努力成为我领域的佼佼者。


希特勒的“我的奋斗”就是这个 strive吗

  • No, the English translation of Hitler’s ”Mein Kampf” is “My Struggle” in English. In this context, “struggle” refers to the personal and political struggles that Hitler faced. The word “strive” in English generally has a more positive connotation, indicating active efforts towards a goal, while “struggle” can carry a negative connotation, implying challenges or conflicts.
  • 不,希特勒的《我的奋斗》在英文中的翻译是”My Struggle”。在这个语境中,“奋斗”指的是希特勒面临的个人和政治挑战。英文中的”strive”通常具有更积极的含义,表示朝着目标的积极努力,而”struggle”可能带有负面的含义,暗示挑战或冲突。



  • v.传达,表达;运送,传送


  • convey sth to sb 向某人传达某事
  • to convey sb’s message 传达某人的信息
  • convey measure 输送量;最大输送量;


  • The painting conveys a sense of peace and tranquility.
  • 这幅画传达了一种平和与宁静的感觉。


我想用英语表达,帮我看看我的行文用词和语法有没有什么问题,给出建议和指导,以下是我的表达:what’s different of convey and express

  • 你的英文表达有一些小的语法错误。在询问两个词之间的差异时,不应使用 “of”,而应该使用 “between”。你的问题应该这样提问:“What’s the difference between convey and express?”
  • Your English expression has a small grammar error. When asking the difference between two words, you should not use “of,” but should use “between.” You should ask the question like this: “What’s the difference between convey and express?”

What’s the difference between convey and express?

  • “Convey” and “express” are both verbs related to communication, yet they have slightly different uses.

  • “Convey” usually refers to the action of making ideas, feelings, or information known or understandable to others. It is often used when discussing abstract concepts that are not directly expressed.

  • On the other hand, “express” implies a more direct and clear action. It means to verbally or physically demonstrate something in a clear and open manner. It is frequently associated with words, writings, or actions.

  • For example, you could say, “The artist’s painting expresses his feelings of sadness,” and “The dark colors in the painting convey a sense of melancholy.”

  • “Convey” 和 “express” 都是表达和沟通的动词,只不过在使用上有轻微的区别。

  • “Convey” 通常指的是将想法、感情或信息传达给他人,使他人知晓或理解的行为。在讨论不直接表达的抽象概念时,“convey” 会经常使用。

  • 相反,“express” 则含有更直接和明确的含义。它意味着用一种清楚和公开的方式通过语言或行为表达某件事。“express” 常常与单词、写作或行为相关联。

  • 例如,你可以说,“艺术家的画作表达了他的悲伤情绪(The artist’s painting expresses his feelings of sadness),“和 “画作中的深色调传达了忧郁的气氛(The dark colors in the painting convey a sense of melancholy)。”

我想用英语表达“从你的例子我看不出差别”,帮我看看我的行文用词和语法有没有什么问题,给出建议和指导,以下是我的表达:I can’t tell the different through your example

  • 你的句子中有一些小的语法错误。首先,“different”应该改为“difference”。另外,描述通过某种方式理解或看出事物时,我们更常使用”from”而不是”through”。因此,你的句子可以被改为:“I can’t tell the difference from your example.”
  • There are a few small grammar errors in your sentence. First, “different” should be changed to “difference”. Also, when describing understanding or discerning something in a certain way, we commonly use “from” instead of “through”. Therefore, your sentence can be corrected to: “I can’t tell the difference from your example.”

I can’t tell the difference from your example.

  • I’m sorry for the confusion. Let me try to provide a more clear explanation.
  • “Express” is often used when you are putting your emotions, thoughts or ideas into words or actions directly and clearly. For example, you might say “I express my love for you”, meaning you openly and clearly tell someone you love them.
  • “Convey”, meanwhile, is typically used when you want to communicate something indirectly, often through a medium or some sort of representation. For example, in “The painting conveys sadness”, the artist doesn’t explicitly say “This painting is about sadness”. Instead, you understand the emotion of sadness through the use of color, shapes, or other elements in the painting.
  • 我为此感到抱歉,让我尽可能地提供一个更清晰的解释。
  • “Express” 经常用在你直接明确地把你的情绪,思想或观点付诸语言或行动。例如,你可能会说 “我表达我对你的爱”,意思是你公开且清楚地告诉某人你爱他们。
  • 而 “Convey”, 通常用在你想要间接地通过某种媒介或某种表现形式来传达某种东西。例如,在 “这幅画传达了悲伤” 中,艺术家并没有明确说 “这幅画是关于悲伤的”。相反,你是通过画中的颜色,形状,或者其他元素,了解到悲伤的情绪。